Thursday, August 17, 2006

Don't Worry About the Small Stuff?

In keeping with the line of thinking of Jesus being our Lord and with being serious about living our lives in a manner consistent with our faith and consistent with the commands of our Lord, I came across a really good article on "The Small Sins" written by Tim Challies (He often blogs really respected national conferences...and will be live-blogging Desiring God's conference at the end of September).

You can find the article here. I highly commend it to anyone reading my blog, for the small sins really DO lead to the large ones, and a person committed to holiness and sanctification cannot let this pass.


Matt H said...


This is MH from the string on Driscoll on JT's blog. I really like your blog's description!

"Seriously Challenging Conventional Wisdom By Skewering One Sacred Cow at a Time!"

I'm looking forward to finding out what Driscoll's bunch has to say about contemplative prayer.


Charley said...

Thanks for the complement. I hope you like the content as well!!! I have been far too busy lately to post, and I need to get back to it. As you can see, I don't do too much linking to other people's posts and news, but rather just my own commentary on what's rattling around in my brain at any given time.

In fact, I am encouraged by John Piper's new book because the title sounds a lot like the things I've been writing on this blog...which means I'm not that radical after all...or maybe I AM, and that's a good thing!!!

So far, I have not had a response from Driscoll's ministry. I'll reply on Justin's site when (ir) I get one.


Matt H said...

Sounds like me...

Yeah, Piper's books always elicit anticipation and excitement.